1. 1.Q: What is adoption?

    A: Adoption is the permanent, legal transfer of all

    parental rights from one person or couple to another

    person or couple. Adoptive parents have the same

    rights and responsibilities as parents whose children are

    born to them, and adopted children have all the

    emotional, social, legal and kinship benefits of birth

    children. There are several ways to adopt a child:

    through a public agency, private agency or attorney.

  1. 2.Q: Who can be an adoptive parent?

    A: Single or married. If you are married, you must have

    been married for at least 2 years. You may own or rent

    your home, as long as it meets the size requirements for

    your state. Ages vary from state to state, but general age

    bracket is age 21 to age 55. No felony convictions-this

    can also include drunk driving and drug issues. Any race

    or religion.

  1. 3.Q: What types of adoption are available?

    A: The main type of adoption is: adopt a child from the

    U.S foster care system.

  1. 4.Q: What are the qualifications to adopt? Do adoptive parents have to be the same race or have the same ethnic background as the child they adopt? Do they have to be married and be within an age range? Do they have to have a certain income level?

   A: If you adopt from foster care, the answer is no to all

    the above. Families are as diverse as the children who

    are available for adoption. If you adopt internationally

    or with an attorney or private agency, parents are

    typically under 40, married for at least three years and

    financially stable.

  1. 5. Q: What qualities are important for parents who adopt?

     A: Traits like flexibility, patience, good problem

    solving skills and a willingness to identify local

    community resources are all critical. Children don’t

    need perfect parents, just loving individuals willing to

    meet the unique challenges of parenting and make a

    lifetime commitment to caring for and nurturing them.

6. Q: What is the adoption process?

    A: The social worker will walk you through the process.

    In all cases a homestudy and background check will be

    needed. In addition, adoption preparation classes are

    required for foster care adoption.

7. Q: What is a homestudy?

    A: A homestudy is an in-depth application and

    interview process with a social worker that involves in

    person interviews, reference checks, background checks

    and home visits. The study is not standardized and may

    vary from state to state and agency to agency. The

    average homestudy usually takes three to six months to


8. Q: How much does adoption cost?

    A: The cost of adoption varies depending upon a

    number of factors, such as the type of adoption, the

    agency through which you work, the state where you

    live, attorney fees and whether travel is required. Foster

    care adoption can cost $0-$2,500, while independent or

    international adoption might cost $7,000 to $40,000+.

9. Q: How long does the adoption process take?

    A: There are many variables that determine how long it

    will take to complete the adoption process, such as

    whether adoption preparation classes are required, the

    length of time to complete the homestudy and the

    length of time to identify a child for your family. On

    average, the adoption process may take one to two



10. Q: Who are the children in foster care?

      A: Children in foster care were removed from their

     families due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. The

     child might live temporarily with extended family, a

     foster family or in a group home while social workers

     try to help the birth family. If the birth family’s

     problems can’t be resolved, the agency that has custody

     of the child goes to court to legally terminate parental

     rights. At this point, social workers try to find a safe

     and loving adoptive family for the child. Ages range

     from infant to early adulthood, although the average

     age is eights. Virtually every race, ethnic group and

     socio-economic category is represented. Some children

     are waiting alone and others are waiting with siblings.

11.  Q: What do I do next?

      A: There are several step-by-step instructions to help

      you through the adoption process.

Frequently Asked Questions